
Application of tubular centrifuge in purification of veterinary vaccines

Jul 28, 2024

Today's market demand for vaccines is growing, vaccine product development institutions and manufacturers to improve the quality of vaccine attention and investment, the past purification of animal vaccines selected a variety of chromatography skills and analysis and testing skills, veterinary vaccines are more sensitive to production costs, the purity requirements are relatively low, how to simplify the process, improve efficiency, reduce costs, It is very important for the industrialization of veterinary vaccines.

There are two types of tubular centrifugation techniques, differential centrifugation and density gradient centrifugation, which are commonly used for vaccine sample concentration, analysis and separation and purification of biological macromolecules (virus particles, etc.).

Differential centrifugal method: This method is often used to separate veterinary vaccines when the purity and yield are not high, and the particles are rapidly settled down from the solution according to the centrifugal speed required by the process, and according to the phase of the intended protein site, whether to preserve the supernatant liquid phase or settle in the solid phase. Differential separation is often used to remove impurities such as cell debris and insoluble matter in viral lysate by differential centrifugation before concentration and purification of virus in supernatant. It is also possible to separate the centrifugal deposition of the virus from the small particles of impurities in the stock solution. It is also necessary to pay attention to the structure of the virus may be damaged during the process of tube centrifuge deposition or re-suspension. Other small amounts of viruses are difficult to dissolve after deposition, affecting subsequent purification or analysis. If we want to obtain virus samples with outstanding activity and structure, uniform dispersion and high purity, then we should consider density gradient centrifugation.

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